SKY Binary Art
38 Nizhnekurganskaya St, Suite 4
Donetsk 83092

Phone: +38 062 908 1287
Fax: +38 062 908 1288





Web Hosting Solutions

Be everywhere your customers need you!

SKY Binary Art is an web hosting provider able to host your web-based applications on our servers and provide e-commerce, secure authentication, and detailed web statistics. You don't need to invest in expensive hardware or gain new expertise yourself. You just concentrate on what you do best. We take care of the rest.

What is hosting? Hosting is a service that provides your web site with a place to "live". Your site needs to be on a computer that is connected to the internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This computer is called a web server and every web site that is on the internet must reside on a server. We provide the "server" that "hosts" your web site, hence the term: hosting.

The first question you must ask yourself is: "Why should I choose SKY Binary Art as my web host?"

SKY Binary Art started out as a group of web designers and software developers with a real passion for the internet and before we started web hosting we used many different web-hosting companies to host our clients sites. We soon became frustrated with the low standard of services we were receiving and decided to do something about it.

SKY Binary Art realizes everyone promises reliable webhosting services and support for a nominal price. However you really have no way of knowing the quality of the service until you've paid your first month's hosting and initial setup fees. At SKY Binary Art, we invite you to open a trial account with us absolutely FREE. Test our power, speed and reliability, excellent technical support, choice and flexibility before you pay us a single cent. And remember, at SKY Binary Art there are no any setup charges with our hosting packages.

Some companies require long term contracts. We prefer you host with us for the quality of the service rather than the length of our contracts. At SKY Binary Art, all contracts are month to month. In addition we offer an unconditional 15 day money back guarantee.

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